So I am trying to decide where to live. Here's the deal, the main concern we have is that our dog will be out here in a few months and we need to have a decent yard for him. Also, we plan to get a second dog so he isn't lonely. That is our main concern. We know that if there isn't a large enough yard he will be bored and turn into a bad dog. There is on base housing that we could get the biggest yard possible in Japan, because off-base there just isn't much as far as yards go. So far I have only found one place that even had grass. SO here are the perks of each...
LIVING ON BASE: good yard, surrounded by Americans who speak English, dog park nearby, as much AC/heat as we want (paid for), lots of other dogs to be friends with, 30 minutes to main base, limited job opportunities on base but near big city so I could work off-base (teaching English), easier to meet people and make friends
LIVING OFF-BASE: smaller yard, actually able to fully experience Japanese culture, 30 min to main base, near private beach where I can let dogs off-leash, I was told I could make good money teaching English there cause people have more money in that area (but maybe the guy was just trying to sell me...), within 5 minutes of 2 HORSE RANCHES!!!! (which I have been told countless times that there are no horses within hours of this area), the housing is paid for by the military but we do get a set amount for utilities. Since the house is new we would be making money by having a lower utility bill.
We came here to experience the country, and that is what we want to do. I know that if we live on base we will still go off-base and experience the country, but I know that it will not be the same. I want to have Japanese neighbors, but at the same time due to the language barrier I am a little afraid of getting lonely and bored being so far from the Americans. Yet I know there are plenty of people who live off-base and love it. Some say the only way to go is living off-base, but we have heard the same things about living on-base. I am sure either way we will be happy, but either way our lives and experiences while we are here will be entirely different.
PLEASE let me know your thoughts!! I have to make some sort of decision by Wednesday! And it is Monday mid day right now! Brian is gone and I emailed him, but I don't know if he has access to internet or not. I don't know how to get ahold of him at all really so he's not going to have much say in the matter... Leave a comment!
10 years ago
This may not be an answer to your question but there could be a lot of oportunitys off base. sounds like you might be able to do some time at the horse ranch or even help people speak English. And in the process you could learn some japanees.
Honestly I would go off base. Would you be able to move back on base anytime soon? That would be a huge factor , if you could never move back than I would second guess it. If your on a six month deal than maybe start at the base and then move out.
Anyway, Hope that helps, and do you have skype??? you should its free to talk skype to skype although with the time difference, still get it and let me know when you have it.
Oh will your place off base have good internet??? thats a big one...
Just to add. This is a one move deal. The place we choose is it until we move back to the states. There are reasons, but I don't want to get into that right now. And internet off-base is just as good as on-base.
I vote for off base
Hey sis,
I think you should go for it off base! You will never experience Japan if you live on base, no matter how much you think you will. It would be like this...Let's say training horses in Japan is completely different than how it is done in the U.S., and you are moving to Japan because you want nothing more than to learn this technique in horse training. Now, you are told you get to train a horse in Japan, but when you get there you have to choose between training the horse in English on base or you can train the horse in Japanese in Japan. If you stay on base you will never really learn this way, you will never learn what Japan is like or how the training, which do you choose...if the reason you are there is to learn this thing...if you are in Japan to live in Japan you should live in Japan...I hope that analogy sounds better in person trust me.
Hi Joy,
Hmmm... I think you need to list out what is most important to you and your experience in Japan from there list out the pros and cons side by side of each option... then make your choice. I think the happiness of you and Brian comes before your dogs... so don't let that be your main decider. Where are you living now? On base? Do you like it? Can you afford to live off base? Can you afford to live off base and still be able to "experience" the culture. Experiencing culture costs money. Maybe the best way to experience it is to save money by living on base then your extra money would allow more outings... I don't know sorry I am as indecisive as you!
OFF BASE! Time for adventure.
Hi Joy - I agree with Nicole. Make a list. Save money but do all you can making a huge effort to get involed off base. Either way a list of pors and cons may help you decide.
Hey - tell Brian that I said HAPPY BIRTHDAY on Tuesday.
We love you guys and miss youboth. Love ya lots - Mom and Dad Z
ok joy, so heres what I was wondering. What if you decide one option and dont like it, could you change your mind and do the other? I was just thinking that maybe it might be nice to be on base for the first year, ya know, kinda ease into things and then, if you feel like you arent immersed enough into the country you could move off base.
It sounds to me like you are doing a good job weighing your options and studying them about. Of course the best ways to decide anything is with prayer in my book. God always knows which paths are best for us and no question is ever too small.
I'm glad you guys are surviving over there!
ps- do you guys get to use Space A if you ever want to come back and visit the states?
love you guys!
Will leave an opinion later, but just wanted to wish Brian a Happy Birthday! We love you guys and miss you!
Tami, Nathan, Christian, Amelia and Baby Bump
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