Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The New Grass!?!

  The picture below is actually the spot where I buried Joy after I killed her and her stupid dog (my friend is taking care of her stupid horse).  I didn't have enough room in the back for a dead stupid horse too.  My sister Amie knows, now the rest of you know.  I only use Joy's name on the blog so that people think she's still alive, but she's not she's in the ground.
  Ok that might actually freak some of her family out but don't worry she's still alive and although she might not be "normal" she's at least her normal self.  Sorry if I freaked any one out but hey, it's almost Halloween and we're going to miss Halloween because we'll be sitting in an airport or on a plane to Tokyo.  I've also been home half the day bored watching Youtube and reading The Total Money Makeover (only got through one chapter).  Joy's in the shower singing, maybe I should make a video of that.
  Some of you probably wonder what it is that I do at work now that I'm not at BUD/S anymore...  Just so you know BUD/S stands for Basic Underwater Demolition/ SEAL training.  There were originally Navy Underwater Demolition Teams or UDT's then in the 60's the SEAL Teams were created and the UDT's were decommissioned but they still teach the basics of both the UDT's and SEAL teams at BUD/S which is why they call it Basic Underwater Demolition/ SEAL training.  
  Ok back to where I left off...  Now I'm in a holding unit called X-Division (X-Div) while I wait to be re-assigned to my next duty station, which is going to be a Destroyer named the Lassen out of Yokosuka, Japan.  There are about 30 guys in x-div and we all get assigned random jobs around base.  Mostly I've been getting the "good" job of cleaning the x-div barracks I don't even live in, but I say it's good because I get off around 12 or 1pm everyday while some guys don't get off till 4pm.  I have to do things like take out trash, sweep, clean urinals and anything else a janitor might do in the civilian world.  But I'm in the United States Navy and your tax dollars are paying me to live my dream of being a janitor.  So thank you to those of you who actually pay your taxes.
  Well Joy's finally out of the shower now so I better go.


Aim said...

Oh good! I'm glad you finally came clean! The Five O have been knocking down my door all day and i just couldn't take the pressure any longer!

So let me get this straight. You are assigned to a Destroyer which is a kind of battle ship, but you won't be on a ship?? You'll be on base? Will you go out to sea at all?

And if custodial work is the "good" job, I'd hate to see what the bad jobs are. Burying stupid horses maybe?

Aim said...

ps- we have a family blog too just in case you didnt know. its

The Zauss Family Blog said...

Hi kids - I checked out this destroyer ship The Lassen. I found it very interesting to learn about. Wow! OK, I am nervous for you but I liked what they said about your ship, "Destroy and Return with all officers". We love you and miss you.
Mom and Dad Z