Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Imperial Palace

So on January 2nd Brian and I went to Tokyo to the Imperial Palace to see the Emporer wave at us... sounds exciting, but in reality it was a little boring. Basically too many people crowding around you (I don't recommend being in such close quarters with complete strangers... a little awkward) and then we waited forever. Finally, they come out, but they are behind some bullet proof glass so it's difficult to see. Though I am short, I didn't feel bad for myself because right next to me in this ridiculous crowd is this little Japanese lady who stands about a foot shorter than me. I thought Brian should put her on his shoulders so she could see, but with the language barrier we figured it would be best not to try to offer such a thing :)

Lots of flags, lots of people, very little personal space equals claustrophobia/anxiety attack interesting, but not something I care to experience too often. So that's it our trip to Imperial Palace was not too exciting though we did see the Emporer and family waving at us. Woohoo :)

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