Friday, January 16, 2009

Busy Bees...

So we have been pretty busy.... well, I guess I have been busy, Brian has been busy working ever since we got here :) I got a job working at the Outdoor Rec Center, Yay. So I am officially working about 40 hours a week with wonderful people... maybe not so wonderful. I think it is probably the same no matter where you are (military or not), but people just like to complain about life and it is freaking annoying. Not to mention the fact that all everyone talks about for the most part is going out drinking. I was thinking about it today, cause I know that it is not just the military. Most people no matter where you work do not like their jobs and they also love to complain about their personal lives too and people drink, they party, it's the "fun" thing to do. 

I guess I just realized today that I have had very few "normal" jobs. Growing up I worked at my dad's gas station and Dairy Queen. I think those could be considered "normal". But I was young, and didn't listen much when people complained and always did a great job of staying out of it. After those jobs the only other "normal" ones were working at a restaurant, but I think it is easier to avoid people's comments and complaints in those jobs cause we are busy, you have your own tables, and you are working your own section, no need to interact much with other workers.

I dunno, maybe I have had plenty of "normal" jobs, it's just that I have tried to give people the benefit of the doubt and also not let them get to me. AND I just thought of this! It's probably also the fact that then I had other things going on like school, horses, pets... now I have a limited number of people to hang out with and the only other thing I really do is workout. Obviously I do other things and I am doing plenty of sightseeing, it's just different somehow. I feel surrounded by these people who are annoying! 

Either way, things are going well, I just had to complain a bit.... see, they are already rubbing off on me! I am actually going to be switching jobs to work at the Teen Center in a month when my background check paperwork goes through, so that will be good. 

Brian left today. He is supposed to be gone for 4 weeks. I am counting on 6wks (no not hoping, just setting myself up to NOT be disappointed when their schedule changes cause it always does). The nice thing is I now have a job and will be quite busy with that, teaching English (and trying to get more students), and trying to find photography work. Brian and I had a really cool weekend this past weekend and I have pics I need to post, but no time to go through them right now, so maybe tomorrow :) Just thought I'd fill you all in since it has been a bit.

1 comment:

Kristan. said...

I hope that the "not so wonderful" people at work don't mistake your conversations with them as an attempt at friendship, therefore sending them into a cyber search for you perhaps hoping for a Facebook account only to end up at your blog where they will inevitably read about themselves and your true sentiments about them, the "not so wonderful" people that they are. Or perhaps you do not care if your feelings toward them are made known? For a girl named Joy, you sometimes tend to be quite feisty. I love you, yet! I hope the year does not pass without my seeing you again! :)