Friday, August 14, 2009


OK, I just have to give a little rant about family from my perspective and the things that I have been learning. The reason why I am posting this blog is because I called home and of course there was yet another party happening. Mom said they were all waiting on Julie and her family cause they were late. Julie called at 6pm to say they'd just left the shop, they were working, but they were on their way.

First of all, parties at the Hicks' house are pretty much never for a "set" time, but there is a general... "we want to eat by...." Julie was late. Why? Because they were working. Respectable, BUT how important is that? Does the job have to be finished today? Is it so imperative that you put it before spending time with your family? Is anything that important? Should anything be that important?

Let me start by saying, I have also made this mistake plenty. I, just like many others, say that family comes first, but have done things differently at times. Having Brian in the Navy though has really put life into perspective for me, and I praise God for that! I see now how important time with family is and how much we need to cherish moments with each other. Life is breezing by and someday I do not want to look back and wish I had taken more time to spend with someone (ahem... Brian). I easily get caught up in saying, "Just let me finish this real quick..." Yeah... real quick. As soon as I am done, whatever was happening is done too and I missed it. If I don't set work (my job, school, photography...) aside while Brian is home we will never have time together. I have to soak up my time with him and enjoy every minute of it, cause he is only around for a couple weeks at a time.

I realize that in the normal world people have different situations and you are with those that you love all the time. BUT how much quality time do you spend together? Leave your work at work, turn off your freaking cell phones, and have fun with the people you love! We shouldn't have to be without someone to realize how much we love them or wish we had done things differently when they were here, but sadly it seems that is the way it is.

What would you do if you knew your spouse was leaving for 6 months? Wouldn't you cherish every moment? I have not gone through a 6 month deployment yet, and Lord help me when I do, but I know right now that when Brian is here I am going to enjoy it.

Ask someone who is older... maybe at least in their fifties (sorry mom, but it is considered older). Ask them what they remember from their younger years. Do they remember that job that so desperately needed to be finished that they missed the family camping trip for, and they are now glad they skipped it? From my experience, everyone I meet only wished they had taken more time to slow down and enjoy things. Enjoy people, enjoy relationships, don't let "stuff" take over your life. In the end, that "stuff" disappears and your family is still there, only now they are irritated with you because you have never taken the time for them! Seriously, this is the basic idea behind the movie Click. Watch it... it is sad, but good :) Also, this is a great song about this too. One of my favorites... yes, I love country :) Listen to it.

I am VERY grateful for this experience of being a military wife. It has opened my eyes to enjoy things that really matter. Especially because I know we will never be in one place long enough for my job to really matter much anyway, so even more reason to not poor every drop of my life into it. Please think about these things. What does family mean to you? Do you live your life that way?


The Zauss Family Blog said...

We were hugging already as we read your Blog and listened to Toby Keith. Nice. We definitely agree :0)
We are glad you are back for awhile Brian. Enjoy each moment you have together. We are still newly Wed after 17 years and still loving it very much. We hope you two can also hang on to that great lovin' feelin' many years from now. You can if you work at it every day.
We love you.

Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you mean. My father went on so many west pack tours where he was gone for six or seven months at a time. When he was home we would spend as much time together as we could because we had no idea when he would ship out again. There is never enough time to spend with the ones you love so you have to make sure that the time you do have you don't waist.