I have learned this:
-Japanese people are very kind and helpful when you ask for help
-If the first thing you ask someone in Japanese is if they understand English most of the time they will not help you much.
-The train systems are a bit intimidating at first, but very useful (and not dirty!)
-There is a reason why all Japanese people wear shoes that are easy to slip on and off
-The garbage trucks, when they stop to pick up trash instead of making a horrid beeping noise they play Fur Elise (Beethoven)
-Nobody shakes hands... just bow
-Japanese have an amazing ability to fall asleep on the train and magically wake up when they need to get off (doesn't work for American's, I tried and missed my stop by about four stops one time)
-Everyone loves a redhead, or at least they love to stare (even people on base, which is weird cause you know they have seen a redhead before)
-Everyone here is petite, and I don't just mean short cause some are tall. I used to blame it on the fact that they eat with chop sticks and it slows down the whole eating process, but they are pretty darn good with their chop sticks so maybe it's just genetics
-I have yet to fully experience this, but they are apparently all great artists, and from the few I have seen draw it is true.
Anyway, that is all I can think of for now, but it has been a good month. I still don't have internet at home, but hopefully by next week. I have an appointment to fill out paperwork on it on Thurs. Brian is back out to sea which stinks cause he just got back, but he will be here for Christmas so that will be great!