Thursday, June 18, 2009

Sad Story

So last night I was walking Shugo. I have classes this week and am getting home late so it was dark. We are walking around and I see a little frog. He was so cute and neon green. Seriously, it was the greenest frog I have ever seen! Shugo is sniffing it and I am making sure he doesn't eat it. Then, I hear a scooter coming. We are on a very narrow road, maybe 6 feet wide. So I step to the side to let him pass and... squish! No more froggy :( I should've stepped to the other side of the road cause then he would've swerved the other direction and Mr. Frog would still be alive. I think he was trying to get to the rice field... so sad. I tried to take a pic with my phone, but the street light was not bright enough.

1 comment:

Gordita said...

Of course you would want to take a picture of the dead frog!