Saturday, April 18, 2009

I Crashed

So, it happened... I crashed on my bike. It was quite exciting really. I was going full speed down this huge hill ( and I must ad that I always go super fast down this hill and always think to myself, "If I crashed now it would really suck...") when all of a sudden a car pulled out in front of me and I had to swerve right (I should have swerved the other way.... going right here is into traffic) So I swerved right and lost control and went sliding across the pavement while luckily the oncoming traffic stopped. My bike made it safely to the sidewalk, but I was still half in the road. I crawled and pulled my lifeless body to the sidewalk for safety. People don't honk much here and they also don't help much if you are hurting. So I gathered my thoughts, checked myself for broken bones (but there was only broken skin) looked over the bike (which was fine aside from the chain coming off the track) and hopped back on to be on my way to work. Just like that, I was ok.

My knee was pretty bloody. It dripped all down my leg by the time I got to base... as you can see
Yes that is a flap of skin among the blood there... Good times.
All cleaned up! Doesn't look so bad after being cleaned up, but I did take these pics with my phone so it really didn't do it justice. I raided the first aid kit at work and wrapped it up all nice. I kinda regretted it the next day though (today) when I had to rip it off as it was all stuck to it. Ouch! Although... it turns out Brian is quite brilliant and he suggested I take it off in the shower after soaking it for a bit. A much less painful way to go :)


Kristan. said...

Um...ow? I love how you took some of the pictures in front of a celestial background. Nice juxtaposition. Also: Joy Barker, is that peach fuzz I see on your legs?!

mom said...

Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! I am happy that I read the real story before the fabricated for mom's benefit story because you are right I would have freaked out and been worried. Worry. . . worry . . . worry . . . about something I can do nothing about and have no control over - these dangerous adventures that my kids embark on - and after I tried so hard to keep you all safe!