Tuesday, November 24, 2009

....And I'm Off!

I know you've all seen this pic, but it just fit too well :) I am off to China! I leave tomorrow morning bright and early at 4:30am (leaving the house that is). Our flight leaves at 9am and we are headed to Hong Kong first. My friend Kristan is on a plane at this very moment (probably panicking, but hopefully sleeping) and we probably won't get to my house until 8pm tonight at which point I still need to throw my stuff in a bag, shave my legs (oh so important), do the dishes, and any other last minute things.

So we will be meeting Brian in Hong Kong traveling all around there for a few days, and then Kristan and I will continue on to Beijing without Brian... definitely wish he could be there, but no way that's gonna stop me from having a blast! I am SO excited to see the Great Wall. So excited. Not to worry (those of you who do) my brother-in-law's cousin lives in Beijing (though I just found this out a day ago), but we at least have a contact there in case Kristan falls off the Great Wall :)

We will have no internet (both our laptops are too old and retarded to be worth bringing) so there will be no updates or contact of any sort to any person. BUT please look forward to some great pictures coming your way! Farewell! And as they say in China... Adios!... wait... I don't know what they say in China :( So much to learn...


TMichel said...

Sounds like a great trip, have fun! What do you do with Shugo?

Jonathan said...

I hope you had fun sis! Skype me when you get back...I can't wait to hear about the Great Wall experience :)