So this is our foster dog Dexter... I think I have told you about him. He was my model this morning. I have a photo session set up for next Sunday and I wanted to test out my living room studio. I have some great windows and great light in there so I bought a large piece of fabric to use as a backdrop and this is what I got. Well, the green backdrop is actually a rug, the other is a piece of fabric. I have a photo shoot set up with a woman and her 4 month old baby soon. So this is my studio, let me know what you think! Dex was a great model... he doesn't much like the camera, but I gave him a lot of treats so he was fine :)
10 years ago
oh. my. gosh. that dog is so freaking cute!!! you're right, the light is really great in that room. looks good to me, ace. :)
You and Brian should move to TN, there are a million people out here that we work for that need your pics...
I suck at photography not to mention my phone doesn't have a very good lens, maybe I should get an app for it??
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