Saturday, January 3, 2009

Ahh... 2008

Looking back last year was fast. Too fast. I feel like half of it was lost cause Brian was gone so much. So let's see... the year started with much anticipation.

-I was starting a new job at Bally Total fitness as a personal trainer (with no schooling or training... how did I even get the job).

-Brian joined the Navy in January, and was off to Great Lakes to start his Navy Seal training... finally.

-with Brian gone, I was living by myself for the first time ever. Boring at first, but after a few weeks I learned to enjoy it, and tried to make the most of our time apart.... a trip to Santa Barbara, riding, working, hanging out with friends, leaving water glasses anywhere I wanted to...

While brian was gone, I did get a little lonely. What's a girl to do when you go to a horse show and there is a really cute free puppy? We (I) got Shugo in May. Brian's first dog that is just his. I know he would have taken him home if he was there. I sent him pics and he named him, and fell in love right away.

July we had our 2nd anniversary. Brian wasn't able to make it home cause he was in BUD/s. So we celebrated on the 3rd. Went out to dinner and a movie... awesome!

Soon after that we were attacked by a bird sized moth. Absolutely ridiculous. I found him in the shed and next thing I knew he was in the house.
In July I got in my first accident. A fender bender gone bad. Stupid lady hit me so hard I hit the guy in front of me (and no I was not too close). Luckily the dogs were ok (they were in the back seat). The car was totalled so we got money for it and bought a new Toyota Tacoma.

Brian dropped out of BUD/s in July. Crazy, unexpected thing. But for the first time all year he was home every day (that was definitely an adjustment). We carved pumpkins for the last time in America well, not the last time, but you know what I mean.

Sexy Halloween costume huh? My job at the gym wasn't paying so well, so I started working at a restaurant.... Brian liked my apron :)

A last fling in San Diego.

A surprise visit to Kansas to see fam before I leave for a while...
Now in Japan! Traveling, speaking another language, getting lost, having culture shock (even when I am on base).
And of course the year went out with a bang! We celebrated by going bowling and out to dinner... lots of fun! I bowled the best I ever have! A score of 129!
Soooo 2008 was full of change and weirdness, fun and fast. I suspect more change and weirdness for 2009. Many great pictures, good stories and even more video!

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