We have been waiting for these little sprouts for a week and a half now.I am very relieved to finally see them. You see, our lovely dogs (who are no longer with us here in SD) loved to lay in the same place all day, day after day. The end result was a dead patch of grass. As the patch turned to dirt, the young pup (Shugo) found it fun to dig in that area, only making it worse. So when they left we (by "we" I mean Brian) put new soil down and seeded it. I realize it will not be perfect by the time we leave (next Friday). BUT my hope is that our landlord will see the new growth and realize that it is going to turn into beautiful thick grass like you see in the background. We had to give an extra deposit cause of sweet Sandy, and I would like to get it back... I don't know what I did, but I can't undo it so this is now underlined...
10 years ago
holly crap brian! you have a blog? and a well kept blog at that! How come I never knew this!!? Thats it! I see im going to have to do all my communicating through joy since she seems to be the main publisher here.
Hello joy! This is brian's redheaded, freckle faced stepsister. haha. I met you once at the wedding but i'll forgive you if you dont remember, seeing as how there was a long line of people before and after me who told you their names as well. ;)im so excited that you have a blog! Brian and I are always so busy that we only get to catch up every couple months or so by phone. Blogs are better i think cause I can see your faces and hear about you more often.
Whats the latest and greatest on Japan? How many days til you move? or have you already? What did you guys do with all your animals?
Alright well I hope everything is going smoothly and that you and I can get to know each other better now that I know you have a blog and now that you are moving halfway across the world! haha.
your sis-in-law!
aaaahahaha! oh Brian. Is that why the dogs like this specific spot in the yard so much? Did you bury Joy here and the dogs were trying to dig her out? Hum, yes its all coming together now. This is why you had to "get rid" of the dogs for now and leave the country.
By the way Joy, I'd never believe it for a second! Especially after the spaghetti incident ;)
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